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However, if you want to change it, you can.

The name is assigned based on your computer’s name (root directory). Upon setting up your wireless Apple mouse (whether it’s the former Mighty Mouse, or the new, exquisite Magic Mouse), Mac OS X pairs the device to the computer you’re going to use it with, and automatically assigns it a name. They're even allowed to have their own name, like “John’s Mouse,” or “My Super-Cool Mouse.” But how do you give your mouse a name, or how do you change the name of an Apple wireless mouse, in case you’re the not the first person to use it? This short tutorial will let you in on that secret. With Apple mice, the functionality goes above that of traditional mice. You feel completely free to handle them any way you want. The two mice have something in common - they're Bluetooth-capable and work with Mac OS X wirelessly. The older mouse didn’t leave the scene as the new one arrived, although Apple is heavily promoting the new peripheral. As many of you should know, Apple has recently launched a new, Multi-Touch capable mouse - the Magic Mouse.