Step 8: Windows 10 then provides a number of customizable options. Alternatively, if the intention is to use a OneDrive folder then make sure that particular OneDrive folder is selected. Step 7: Select the ‘Slideshow’ folder we created in Step 1. Click the Browse option that appears under it. Step 6: You should now see a header titled, Choose albums for your slideshow. Step 5: Under the Background drop down box select the Slideshow option. Step 4: From within the Settings menu choose the Personalization > Background option. Step 3: Launch the Settings app by pressing the Windows key + I keys. These image files will be used by Windows 10 to cycle through and create a Slideshow. Step 2: Add as many images as you desire into that newly created folder. It’s also possible to use a OneDrive folder if you already have images stored in a cloud account. We just need a dedicated folder to hold our images for the slideshow. In actual fact the name of the new folder doesn’t really matter. Right-click and create a new folder named “ Slideshow“. Step 1: Head into the Pictures folder within Windows 10.